
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

So you suspect your spouse of infidelity. 

What do you do about it?

Number one, don’t confront him/her with the allegation.
Number two; don’t confront him/her with the allegation.
Number three; don’t confront him/her with the allegation.

If you think they are being unfaithful then it is highly unlikely they will confess. Your best course of action is to be cool. Their worst enemy is over confidence and the last thing you want is for them to become careful as a result of your questions. Let them think you are a dummy and completely ignorant of their activities and that you believe their “reasons” for being late, etc. Keep track of what you regard as suspicious behavior (if you make notes obviously keep them in a safe place) and do some or all of the following:
· If you get a phone call and a hang up do *69 to retrieve the number (when your spouse won’t know you are doing it and don’t call the number back – just hold on to it)
· If you can (when your spouse is in the shower) check their cell phone for recent calls, both received and dialed, and make notes of the numbers you don’t recognize.
· Keep old land-line (house) phone bills.
· Check the history of Internet activity (note any questionable urls).

The above are just a few steps to take before hiring a private investigator. When you do call a P.I. don’t do it from your home or cell phone (your spouse may be checking your calls to see if you suspect him/her).

One more thing, if you really know your spouse is cheating and don’t need proof of it for yourself don’t hire a P.I. for evidence thinking you will need it for the divorce. Most states now have “no-fault” divorce and the Courts generally don’t assign much weight to claims of infidelity. So don’t waste your money. On the other hand your lawyer may want an investigation to enhance your position, in which case then have an investigation. 

Bob Taylor

Please visit  my web page: http://www.njsleuth.com/

or to contact me directly by E-mail: bobtaylor@njsleuth.com

Dear Mr. Fox,

Thank you for your advice on checking his cell phone while stupid was in the shower. It really worked great! He must have read your blog because all of a sudden he stopped taking a shower. Of course that was two years ago and he still hasn't taken a shower. Like I say, he is really stupid. I haven't been able to smell very good since I got my nose caught in a cash register at work. Anyhow, I started getting letters from that blonds hussy, asking me to please take him back. I never agreed to do anything for her, but he started staying home more. In the daylight he's a little muddy looking, but with the lights out he is still the same great lover! Thank you so much Mr. Fox - you have made my marriage what every woman wishes for.

Lolita from Las Vegas
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